This is parsnips for people who had parsnips ruined for them by being forced to eat them boiled, which is an outrage. This isn’t something I usually do with vegetables (cover them in maple syrup that is) but I had some and it’s something that works particularly well with parsnips.
Maple Syrup Baked Parsnips
5 parsnips (or however many)
big sloop of maple syrup, maybe 3-4 TBS?
olive oil (or butter)
Wash and chop the parsnips into large chunks. Steam the parsnips until just tender.

Put all the ingredients in a big baking tray, stir with your hands to combine, throw in the oven at 200° for 25-30 mins, or until nicely browned. Tastes earthy and sweet, so lovely.
I served these with Cheese and silverbeet rolls and Great Green salad.